Sunday, 8 April 2007

Swift and Spiffed.

[Gather together.] SR! Its time for a little digression into the Sacrarium to wake the dead...

Swift Belt Runs!!1111oneone

For those who are unaware of what a Swift Belt is, its a very nifty item for haste+ loving jobs

How do you spell sexy? S-w-i-f-t

Of course, like anything in FFXI, you need to do something terrible you'd rather not do....


Whats that Jimmy? No, you don't have to level Dark Knight! Just collect a force spawn item that has a horribly low drop rate and use it to spawn/kill a Formor NM with an equally horrible drop rate for the belt :3

So the fun begins!

The attendees
Lenor (Congrats on your Belt!)
Gruive (Gave up his belt to Lenor, what a HERO!)
Ronin (Congrats on your Belt!)
Iggy (Sorry we didn't get to your run, Iggy!)

2x Swift Belt! 2/4, not bad at all considering some people go 1/10!

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