Monday 29 November 2004

Our first time at the D00nz

Do you remember the first time you were at the "D00nz"?
My own memory of it is pretty hazy. But fortunately, I have screenshot evidence of the first time an SR group stepped onto the sands of Valkurm Dunes...

And wouldn't you know it? We were power-levelled - *lol*
Here's the group gathered together at La Thiene Plateau: Lenor (THF), Sixe (WAR), Lumialle (RDM - I think). Yashaa also came to "supervise" on his n00b WHM.

Before we continue, a little bit of background is required on Sixe. Back on iRO, Sixe's character was known was "The Bunny Knight" because she would always wear a pair of bunny ears. She tends to be a bit n00bish too. Marzanna would probably find her a rival for the biggest LS nubcake crown.

Anyways! Getting back to the story, we ended up testing the waters with a few 'Dune bunnies. Needlees to say, Sixe-bunny lost the Bunny x Bunny fight.
Medic! Everyone gathers around Sixe while waiting for Alby who seemed to have disappeared somewhere. He likes to do that a lot.
Alby arrives to save the day. Alby's a pretty quiet little Taru, but deep down, I'm pretty sure he was all: "what the heck did you guys get up to?"
So ends our "Doonz" adventure. Not sure how much XP we all got. I don't think it was all that much...


Kamos said...

No could possibly be as bad as marzy!

Marzy said...

Hey hey! what are you saying? ;0