Friday, 11 May 2007

Doing the Jungle Boogymen

We poor! So it was time to lynch Tonberries for various Torques and Elemental Ores! Q(''Q)

We've done "Jungle Boogymen" before and it was pretty darn profitable for mass BCNM events. It's a pretty straight forward too. All you need is a Sleeper (read: BLM), some healers and damage dealers to take out the mobs one by one. The only hassle is getting everyone through the Wooden Gate leading to the Sacrificial Chamber - especially with less than 4 lanterns.

Special thanks to Gruive of helping to open the gate to the Sacrificial Chamber.
Attendants: Jojax (MNK), Kysuke (NIN) , Lenor (NIN), Ermione (NIN), Spierz (BLM), Littleawkward (WHM), Marzanna (BRD), Drargen (RDM).

The N00b of the Day award goes to Jojax for forgetting that this BCNM is capped at lv 60.

Congratulations~ \(^ ^)/

She still did pretty well in grabbing hate despite being half-naked. NINpride -1...
The team went 7/8 rounds of the BC. Condolences to Kysuke for wiping on his orb >_<;; Carbuncle Astral Flow is a real killer. We're splitting and sharing all the profits anyway so you still get something ^^; We managed to bag Enfeebling Torques x2 and Wind Torques x2 plus a couple of Earth Ores, so sizeable pay-packet for everyone ^^

Deathga Report:

Rnd #2 - Lenor(1), Jojax(2 - failed RR attempt), Littleawkward(2 - failed RR attempt), Marzanna(1), Kysuke(1) - full party wipe to Astral Flow Carbuncle XD;
Rnd #5 - Ermione
Rnd #6 - Ermione (Mijin Gakure @ low health stings)
Rnd #8 - Lenor - Astral Flow Carbuncle -_-;

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